Today’s world is managed through digital data so the security and integrity of business-critical data is essential. VaiSulWeb unveils a new notarization and e-signing service based on Ethereum blockchain in collaboration with Acronis.
With the new VSW Notary service it will be possible to notarize files and digital documents to ensure their integrity and immutability, aimed at improving security of business-critical data. VSW Notary services enables to notarize any kind of file and detect even the slightest change that has been performed or to confirm that no change happened.
This service also enables to invite multiple parties to e-sign a document or file that will be notarized and signed by those parties so that both integrity of the file and of the signatures can be verified. In both cases files can be verified through the Web console or the public service based on the blockchain Ethereum that provides high uptimes.
Inviting multiple parties to sign a document or file is very easy to do and it can be done through the Web console or via the API. Verifying both signatures and the integrity of the file is easy as well.
VSW Notary also provides a powerful REST API that enables you to integrate these functionalities into your applications or websites that can be extended to provide notarization and e-signing.
By using this new service, our customers will be able to ensure the integrity of the business-critical data inside your company or provide more confidence to partners and customers that will be able to verify files that they receive to improve security.
Start notarizing your files at € 0.05 (5 eurocents) per notarization or signature.
For more information please check this URL: